Sunday, December 16, 2007


A link from Treehugger directed me to an article in the New York Times by Michael Pollan (an author I admire!) called, Our Decrepit Food Factories. Aside from the alarming struggles that bees go through, amongst other relevations, Pollen focuses on the over/irrelevant use of the word sustainability . This has been a source of irritation to me for over two decades how the use of sustainability, without regard to its essential meaning, is used as a badge of affirmation and elevated status. Michael Pollan is well qualified to speak to the issue and he draws in disparate examples to make his point, as he did so well in the novel The Botany of Desire. Back in my younger designer days there were architects that latched on to the term with such a firm grip that seemed so disingenuous. Today the term has come to have no meaning when our local main street streetscape plan is labeled sustainable. When the the shopping district will be ripped up from end to end, costing millions of dollars (adding 20 years of public debt to the tax roles), and requiring massive amounts of new materials for the redesign of the perfectly functional existing street the term is a joke. Labeling the design sustainable seems to brand it with a healthy honorific glow beneath it's deceptive appearance.

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