Monday, November 22, 2010

Snow before Thanksgiving!

What is up with this?!
I dug up my dahlia tubers on Sunday just in time!
They are safe and sound in the garage
through this arctic blast.
3" inches of the white stuff so far
and it is still coming down.
I feel sorry for the deciduous trees
that haven't given up their leaves yet,
since they are sorely weighted down
with all of the snow.
My Gunnera is out there awaiting
the temperatures dipping down into the teens,
without any protection.
After years of fretting about protecting them through the winters,
I have decided that they are on their own from now on.
If they can't make it then they don't belong in my garden.
Sometimes you just can't do everything you'd like any longer.
I'm just reaching a point in my life that simplicity has a nice ring.
That especially holds true when thinking about the enormous task
each year of planting, staking, labeling, training, watering, digging up, washing, labeling again and storing the vast dahlia collection.
Each year I ask myself, "how much longer can I keep doing this?"
But I keep doing it.
They are so pretty throughout the summer.
What great cut flowers!
But really!
The work is tremendous!

Okay, I better go check for the mail before it is completely dark outside.
Happy Snow Day y'all!