Early this morning a big bang was heard at the front of the house. Birds crash into our windows often, so I looked for tell tale feathers on the windows, and a body on the ground. But nothing could be seen until I looked out over the porch roof where an immature Cooper's Hawk was splayed out on the roof. Alive but stunned, its legs were horizontal on the roof. I watched as he gathered his composure and after several minutes he hoped up onto the talons of one foot, the other tucked up under his body. Did he break a foot? His cadmium yellow leg beamed in the morning light against the black roof. His head pivoted back and forth to gage his surroundings. Such a range of motion for that majestic profile! I retrieved my binoculars to get an amazingly close view of the creature. His banded feathers, that beak, the tail feathers helping to prop up his body, oh so beautiful in his unfortunate state. Then it was time for Nini to head out the front door for the school bus and the sound of the front door slamming and her presence gave him such a start that he mustered all of his strength and took to flight right above her. Glad he was able to fly again she gave me a big smile. Good luck birdie and look out for windows!
This is the first year I haven't made linoleum cut holiday cards in probably twenty five years. I had a design all created and purchased a block to carve, but I just didn't have the energy to expend on the carving. Pain has just zapped my inner resources to create. I feel so weak and a shell of my former self. Am I a hundred years old? It feels like it. Tomorrow marks the solstice and is an important marker for my psyche. It means the return of light. No more sliding further into darkness. Perhaps my pain is amplified by the season of cold, damp and dark. Tomorrow it should be better.
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