Sunday, December 30, 2007

Still Blooming

After hard freezes, snow, pounding rain and wind these tough gals just want to keep blooming at the end of the year: camellia sasanqua 'setsugekka', viburnum bodnantense 'dawn', kerria japonica, rosa 'the fairy', jasminum nudifolium, prunus 'accolade'. They're inspiring for their fortitude, and a welcome foreshadowing of spring.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Wishing You A Wonderful New Year

Go out and get some exercise, eat well, laugh lots, tell people you love them, give to the less fortunate, teach someone something that you are passionate about, plant a tree, kiss a bunny and smile because you know you are beautiful. Peace.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Each year I make a new catnip mousie for the wild one. She chomps on that thing like it is a real critter. Then she gets worn out and tucks in for a long winter's nap.
What a lovely holiday! Snow falling all day long adding that extra touch of holiday cheer to our day. We finished our high caloric intake day with creme brule. I don't think I will be hungry again for three days.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Ahhhh, it feels good to sit down after baking all day. First up were dinner rolls, then creme brule, then I needed to use up all those egg whites so meringues followed in the oven. The house is nice and toasty with the oven going all day. Time to sit down for some tea.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ho Ho Ho

This cookie baking season I had a revelation. In the past my sugar cookies never held the cookie cutter shape very well after baking. They always seemed to ooze out of their shape and get quite flat. I always wondered how my favorite bakery made cookies that had such crisp edges compared to mine. Thank goodness for grocery sales, because one brand of butter was ridiculously inexpensive compared to my usual brand and so I purchased this other brand for my holiday baking. Well, what to my wondering eyes should appear but perfectly intact shaped sugar cookies so happy and dear. Yay! I'll never go back to my old brand of butter.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Early this morning a big bang was heard at the front of the house. Birds crash into our windows often, so I looked for tell tale feathers on the windows, and a body on the ground. But nothing could be seen until I looked out over the porch roof where an immature Cooper's Hawk was splayed out on the roof. Alive but stunned, its legs were horizontal on the roof. I watched as he gathered his composure and after several minutes he hoped up onto the talons of one foot, the other tucked up under his body. Did he break a foot? His cadmium yellow leg beamed in the morning light against the black roof. His head pivoted back and forth to gage his surroundings. Such a range of motion for that majestic profile! I retrieved my binoculars to get an amazingly close view of the creature. His banded feathers, that beak, the tail feathers helping to prop up his body, oh so beautiful in his unfortunate state. Then it was time for Nini to head out the front door for the school bus and the sound of the front door slamming and her presence gave him such a start that he mustered all of his strength and took to flight right above her. Glad he was able to fly again she gave me a big smile. Good luck birdie and look out for windows!

This is the first year I haven't made linoleum cut holiday cards in probably twenty five years. I had a design all created and purchased a block to carve, but I just didn't have the energy to expend on the carving. Pain has just zapped my inner resources to create. I feel so weak and a shell of my former self. Am I a hundred years old? It feels like it. Tomorrow marks the solstice and is an important marker for my psyche. It means the return of light. No more sliding further into darkness. Perhaps my pain is amplified by the season of cold, damp and dark. Tomorrow it should be better.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Fresh off the Sewing Table

Sometimes I'll find a scrap of fabric and it talks to me. It tells me what it wants to be. This furry scrap wanted to be a bear with a pretty scarf. So off I went to fulfill the scrap's destiny. The pillow behind the bear was recently made from fabric that my mom brought back from China maybe twenty-five years ago or more. Could there be a truer red?

Monday, December 17, 2007

Nobel Peace Prize

First Wangari and now Al. Yeay!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


A link from Treehugger directed me to an article in the New York Times by Michael Pollan (an author I admire!) called, Our Decrepit Food Factories. Aside from the alarming struggles that bees go through, amongst other relevations, Pollen focuses on the over/irrelevant use of the word sustainability . This has been a source of irritation to me for over two decades how the use of sustainability, without regard to its essential meaning, is used as a badge of affirmation and elevated status. Michael Pollan is well qualified to speak to the issue and he draws in disparate examples to make his point, as he did so well in the novel The Botany of Desire. Back in my younger designer days there were architects that latched on to the term with such a firm grip that seemed so disingenuous. Today the term has come to have no meaning when our local main street streetscape plan is labeled sustainable. When the the shopping district will be ripped up from end to end, costing millions of dollars (adding 20 years of public debt to the tax roles), and requiring massive amounts of new materials for the redesign of the perfectly functional existing street the term is a joke. Labeling the design sustainable seems to brand it with a healthy honorific glow beneath it's deceptive appearance.

to all

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Country Wreath

Only two ingredients this year: variegated holly + hawthorn berries. I love looking around the garden to see what inspires me from year to year. Most years the wreath starts out with a redwood base (oh the fragrance!) and lots of ornamental evergreens are added, but this year I thought I'd keep it super simple. My wreaths are never the perfect circles like you see sold at the grocery store, but hey, this is a home made country garden wreath with character. Good thing I bought some new gardening gloves since the holly prickery leaves and those four inch hawthorn thorns are not something skin wants to come in contact with, YIKES!
I'm surprised that the Crataegus berries are still around. The robins swooped in one day and devoured the Ilex berries, the gorgeous purple Calicarpa berries, the white with a blush of pink Sorbus forestii berries (such a lovely sight in fall with their scarlet and cadmium orange leaves against the white droops of fruit), and the lovely orange Sorbus alnifolia berries. The birds have left the Pyracantha, Rosa, and Crataegus berries for now. I think they are waiting for their sugars to ferment a bit longer for some nice ice wine flavors for a new year's treat. While hanging the wreath at the front door I saw the peregrine again. He took off after a meal in a hurry. Hope it wasn't one of my sweet song birdies that visit my feeders.

Friday, December 14, 2007


I don't think there could possibly be a better production of the Nutcracker
than by the Pacific Nortwest Ballet.
I looooove the Maurice Sendak stage sets!
What a treat!
I wish I didn't have such a yucky cold right now, so I could have enjoyed it more thoroughly.
Thank you Miss Nini for taking all of us.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Our tree crashed to the floor in the middle of the night
and some of the prettiest ornaments were smashed to smithereens.
This is just a fraction of the broken glass everywhere.
Oh well.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Let The Decorating Begin!

the signal flags say, "merry christmas"

i love getting out my favorite toys around this time of year. i would play with these for hours on end while growing up (must have influenced my interest in urban design!). whenever i find new tyrolean wooden pieces i just can't resist adding a few more to the village collection.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Happy December!

I love snow!