Due to the policies of the
outgoing administration I have been
ashamed to be an American for nearly a decade. My children have not known much of before all the mess that has been wrought upon the American image. After all the foreign policy catastrophes, although I have to grant the benevolent aid to earthquake and tsunami ridden regions of the farthest reaches of the world and AIDS help as exceptions, the policies of rewarding the crony rich and powerful with further riches, of lowering standards for environmental quality and enabling pollution to increase, to condoning torture, the callous disregard for the lives of our military personnel, to dismissing the Constitution, and the willful neglect of a glorious drowned city to name just a few instances, it is hard to believe that a new day is dawning tomorrow.
The dream of an intelligent thoughtful, considering, engaging President seemed a lofty goal and a steep hill to climb towards success. How could our country have re-elected such a bumbling idiot to a second term? It just further shamed me. Where would the country and the world have been if the Supreme Court had not handed the presidency to 43? I wonder if the depths of our condition had been widely different under a Gore presidency would the rise of 44 have been possible? Could it be that you have to reach rock bottom before enlightenment can occur to a nation? It's amazing to me that it took the emptiness of one's own purse to change the pulse of American contentment. That moment of gaze into that open purse couldn't have come at a better time. We are verged on a precipice and need the strongest leadership imaginable to convert the wrongs to goodness, health, fairness, transparency and peace. It is still so hard to believe that the country chose wisely after not such a good track record of many years.
I am in joy today. I am in joy with anticipation.
I am an American again. I will proudly display my flags tomorrow. I embrace a new era. What a contrast of images, and worlds, between the sneer of the outgoing VP to the giddy gorgeous girls of the new President. The image of those lovely girls portends a glorious new beginning of possibilities for our own children and children throughout the world.
I wish you good luck in your new job Mr. President. Thank you for stepping up when we needed you most!