Friday, November 23, 2007


Ahhh, so much yummy food to enjoy in a warm house with healthy family all home for the holiday...that's a lot to be thankful for. Happy belated Thanksgiving to all!
Our new bunny is inside enjoying some running around time. And he has a name that passes the approval threshold of the 4-H bunny girl. She wanted a Spanish name for him so the name that I came up with, Carlos del Huerto, was met with surprising glee. My husband prefers the first name that I gave the little albino, Fred. Fred/Carlos's fur has become much softer now that he has good nutrition. And he is no longer skin and bones as he was found in the garden. Oh, "del huerto" means of the vegetable garden, where I found this little sweetie.
The best part of Thanksgiving is all the left-overs that make for hearty munching for many days with little effort. Yeay. I could go for another piece of Marionberry pie. Wow the crust was perfect thanks to the baking skills of the bunny-girl. She even cut out pieces of crust in leaf shapes to decorate the top of the pie. How festive and beautiful. I'm a proud mama.

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