Monday, July 09, 2007

Good Thing I'm Not PMSing Right Now!

....or else i would be screaming at five men today. our house is in the midst of being painted and i knew this would happen. i cut shrubs down and cleared everything back away from the house and yet there is not a superhighway (as desired by those who paint homes) leading to the shingles on the walls. my delicate plants are smashed to smithereens. some were expensive hostas others are groundcovers that have taken a decade to fill in and create a lovely carpet of fragile foliage (ducks feet + trout lilies). my japanese anemones squashed. hardy fuschias flattened. a mountain laurel in full bloom (that was one of the slowest plants to mature to blooming age) broken right down to the roots...the whole plant destroyed. if i were pmsing right now my blood would be boiling. i guess i need to look at it as an opportunity to do some new planting. so long you lovely plants. you were so beautiful while it lasted.

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