Wednesday, February 28, 2007

eucalyptus girl
making these bead dolls is so much fun. with the patterns in japanese they're stretching my underdeveloped brain to figure out how to make them. here miss marigold, named for her flowered skirt, stands atop my harvest of eucalyptus branches. i love the smell of eucalyptus, which transports me back to my roots in northern california. i am thrilled to have hardy varieties of eucs that can take the cold temps here. i copice one every year yet the other one i had let grow into a big tree until this year. the trunk was being ravaged i think by deer rubbing their antlers on it. i thought that with the cambium layer of the trunk ripped away from a sizeable area that the tree might become susceptible to a blow-down so i chopped it down to a newly copiced stump. it will likely resprout (eucs are tenacious buggers) and i will be able to keep it at a manageable size from now on, and harvest the lovely red petioled leaves. i have got to paint those leaves one of these days!

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