Monday, August 04, 2014


On Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park

Monday, May 05, 2014


day 5 of garden for sale, which calls for a fresh bouquet of rhododendron, weigela, lonicera and deutzia. by the way the garden sale comes with a house.  

Wednesday, April 09, 2014


My 18 year old gal went to kitty heaven this morning. I do hope she is running around and enjoying herself, free of pain, and enjoying the sunshine. I'll miss you my dear puss. Bye sweetie. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Happy Springtime

My delicious spring garden, yum!

Saturday, March 08, 2014


I couldn't resist a bunch of white and yellow freesias! Their spicy fragrance transports me to my childhood in California where my dad would plant the bulbs every year. They are the happiest flowers, I just love them!
In an unconscious way I guess I was celebrating, since I never buy flowers, that dark simmering cloud had finally been lifted from above me. After two weeks of waiting and no word from my doctor I just couldn't take the stressss any longer and called for the results of my recent biopsy. Benign polyp! Removed. No cancer!!!!! Yipppppeeeee!!!!!! I now feel like life is starting again, my personal springtime, and I can enjoy what life has to offer, and enjoy I have! I went to an art opening of the most talented water colorist I've seen in years, then to the Joan MirĂ³ show at SAM (listened to live flamenco music!), fabulous dinner at Tulio's, overnight at the Monaco, breakfast at Portage Bay and ferry ride home. A mini vacation/victory lap. The flamenco music really stirred me. I love acoustic guitar,  but flamenco is such a passionate demonstration of life that just pulled me into its vortex. I wish I had kept at my classical guitar lessons in high school!!! Then i spent the day applying to be selected for an art installation this summer. I haven't felt so alive and present in such a long time. And to top it off the sun was shining all day yesterday, and the daffodils and crocus are blooming in the garden. The cherry tree is bursting in pink and the lovely Cornus mas, Cornelian Cherry, is blooming in a mist of buttercup yellow. Hello spring. Welcome. I love you. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014


learned the German twisted cast on for this hat. I used Madeline Tosh DK in whiskey barrel. Great yarn. Soft!

Saturday, February 01, 2014


This city is completely nuts right now with Seahawks fever. 90% of the population is wearing some sort of team themed apparel. I like these alternatively spirited displays. I was in the International District today and a calligrapher was selling his work for the new year (it says Seahawks). Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I ripped an alpaca vest I knit likely 30 years ago and am now making a crochet ripple lap blanket with the yarn.