Tuesday, August 11, 2009


There have been lots of sweet little tree frogs enjoying my flower garden this year.
I talk to them while I'm watering.
The other day I found a large snake in the highest reaches of the dahlias and wondered if he had been feasting on these little guys.
A very large rat was seen eating our blueberries last week, which has probably happened lots of times before, but I had never seen it, and it just made me feel so deflated about enjoying berries straight from the garden. They better stay away from my vegetables! Fortunately our cat has been putting a dent in the mousie population around here lately. It makes me wonder if I should get more cats!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Best in Show

My itsy bitsy dahlia Rembrandt, which measures a wee 1" across, was named Best in Show for Novice, in our county's annual dahlia show last weekend. I visit this show every year since I'm always at the Fairgrounds anyway for some 4-H activity or another, but this year I decided to enter the show for the first time. I won lots of section championships (for peony, anemone,Rembrandt ball, + collarette types of dahlias) for novice submissions. Novice is characterized as someone who has not exhibited before and does not sell their dahlias. I was cajoled into clerking at the show, which turned out to be fun and quite educational. Plant people are so nice and fun to be around. The surprising thing was that when I picked up my ribbons the next day I was awarded prize money! Delightfully it was enough for my yearly manure delivery, which I use primarily for my dahlias.Purple Queen Beans are coming on strong now. We will be eating them every day for quite some time, only to be sick and tired of them by the time they stop producing. This is a fantastic year for basil, it's so lush and vigorous. Last night I made pesto . There are a few tomatoes but I'm waiting for some significant ripening. I tried a new cucumber this year and I won't be going back to growing lemon cukes again after the sweet juicy crunch of the latest variety. It's fantastic!The Morning Glory has topped out it's support and is searching for something to grab onto. If someone stands nearby I fear they will be entwined in no time. That thing must grow a foot a day.